Date arrest, name, address, age, charges
5/25/21, Nicole A. Raymond, Farmington Road, Rochester, NH, 33, criminal trespass, theft by unauthorized taking
5/25/21, Michael W. Leighton, Meetinghouse Hill Rd, Farmington, NH, 35, arrest on warrant
5/31/21, Richard Parker, Main St, Farmington, NH, 67, criminal threatening - conduct
6/2/21, Joshua M Elliott, Concord Rd, Lee, NH, 25, reckless operation
6/3/21 Veronica L Demars, Poor Farm Rd, Farmington, NH, 39, duty of parent; compulsory attendance
6/4/21, Valerie P. Landon, Signal St., Rochester, NH, 33, drive after rev/sus
6/5/21, Melissa S Coleman, Davis Ln, Barrington, NH, 40, drive after rev/sus, subsequent
6/5/21, Abram J Treat, Boxwood Ln, Barrington, NH, 32, violation of protective order
6/5/21, Christopher P Buote, Hummingbird Dr, Farmington, NH, 37, arrest on warrant
6/8/21, Tammy L. Fermino, Evergreen Ln, Lebanon, ME, 54, conduct after accident
6/8/21, William K Brooks Jr, Lone Star Ave, Farmington, NH, 21, bench warrants
6/8/21, Joan A Chesser, Soapstone Ln, Rochester, NH, 35, control drug, sched 1-4, subsequent
6/8/21, Joanne E Shaw, Winter St, Rochester, NH, 29, crim mischief, domestic violence; assault, simple assault, DV, simple assault
6/12/21, Austin T. Downs, Elm St, Farmington, NH, 26, DUI, 2nd, impairment, uninspected vehicle.