LEBANON - Tuesday's public hearing was preceded by a heartfelt tribute to the late Ethel Lizotte who had produced a beautifully ornate banner dedicated to her love of Lebanon but never presented to the town.
Ernest Lizotte, his eyes tearing up, told the audience how his late wife had worked for Lebanon tirelessly and in recent years had taken to fashioning the banner.
"I told her she should give it to the town and she said she would," Ernest Lizotte said.
Ethel Lizotte died last June before she could, so her husband, along with other family members, made the presentation last night.
The banner hand sewn by Ethel Lizotte, an expert seamstress, depicts important facets of Lebanon's history, including its early logging industry, and its landmarks, including the Lebanon Academy, the Old Town Hall and Gully Oven in West Lebanon.
It will hang in Town Offices as a lasting tribute of her love for Lebanon and its people.