DOVER - An East Rochester woman already convicted three times in the past decade of drunken driving has been indicted for another DWI for driving under the influence on Route 16 this past October.
Terri Tremblay, 31, with a last known address of 21 Silver St., MHP, was among the April indictments handed down by a Strafford County grand jury several days ago and released today.
Tremblay has already been convicted three times since 2004 for the same offense, including March 2004 in York District Court, November 2007 in York Superior Court and May of last year in Rochester District Court.
Tremblay’s driving while intoxicated indictment, a Class B felony, could put her in state prison for between 3 and a half and seven years.
An indictment is not an indication of guilty, only that a grand jury has found sufficient evidence to move forward with a trial.