DOVER, N.H. - An East Rochester man has been indicted on four counts of second degree assault in the alleged choking of a child he was baby-sitting last year
Nicolas Coker, 21, of 63 Salmon Falls Road Apt. 22, told police he picked the 4-year-old girl up by her throat and stuck his fingers down her mouth after she threw a Barbie doll at him, court testimony revealed at his arraignment in Dover District Court in December.
The strangulation-related indictments list four offenses against Coker, all in connection with the Dec. 5 attack, which the girl survived. She turns 5 this Saturday.
Rochester Police Captain Paul Toussaint earlier said the child suffered a severe strangulation event, including petechial hemorrhaging of the eyes.
Bleeding in the eyes is a classic symptom of asphyxiation, or choking.
The girl’s mother noticed her eyes were bleeding the day of the alleged attack and took the child to Frisbie Memorial Hospital where she remained overnight for observation.
The assault took place in the child's home, Toussaint said, adding Coker had been used as a baby sitter by the mom for several months.
Coker admitted to police he had an anger problem and didn’t remember much of the incident, court testimony revealed. He said when he regained his senses, he saw the girl was doubled over on the couch and crying.
The four second-degree assault charges are all Class B felonies, punishable by up to 30 years in state prison each.
Coker continues to be held at Strafford County House of Corrections on $10,000 bail and will be arraigned next month.
The indictments were handed down last week and released to the public on Tuesday.
An indictment is not an indication of guilt, only that a grand jury has found sufficient evidence to move forward with a trial.