To the editor:
As Americans we picture representative government through the lens of controlled history, unable to call for a replay to see through the deception that rewriters of history have caused. Below the surface of misinformation about the history of our American republic, the narrative of eternal truth is triggered by Cal Thomas' definition of politics: "Poly means many , and a tic is a bloodsucking insect" that portrays politicians who threaten the death of our nation. Words that scream loudly at the apathetic and those who blindly trust, that the war for our liberty is not a spectator sport. The future of your children tomorrow depends on what you do today.
As citizens, the knowledge of this document that our politicians swear loyalty to should be our first priority. For it must be weaponized by "we the people" to control the corrupted ways of officeholders today to set a standard of acceptance for leaders to follow tomorrow. Otherwise, we follow the common path of neglect described by the late Tom Anderson: "Changing the pins on a soiled diaper without changing the diaper leaves you with the same old mess." We must reactivate tyrannies' greatest enemy, the Constitution, to limit government to protect our liberties within its boundaries. For it stands on the eternal biblical roots of the Declaration of Independence: "We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights."How do we do this if we do not know the law our leaders are to obey?
This is our nation's Christian foundation that the majority of 21st century Americans have not been taught: the eternal wisdom accumulated throughout history that has passed the test of time, providing 230 plus years of unparalleled liberty. Yes, our nation is divided on the unstable ground that political ideologies cause divisions between Democrats and Republicans, both now contaminated with Marxism and globalism. Politicians who naively look to party to determine what's right or wrong. betray our heritage of liberty, must be replaced with Statesmen.
Picture a river flowing wild and free that brings life to earth. The pollution of man that kills life must remain on the banks. Compare the pure uncontaminated Constitution, free from the "assumed powers," that for the past centuries have contravened the law of the land, thus the laws of God over the past centuries. Under the banner of Republican and Democrat too many sleep. The Constitution should rule supreme over the Marxist ideology that has ruled supreme since early in the 20th century.
Since government follows the same agenda taught in our schools for the past century, most of our people see nothing wrong with the government we have. Generally speaking, each administration is given a check signed by taxpayers unaware they are paying for illegal powers the Constitution forbids. Experts agree that if the government was limited to powers mandated to it by the Constitution, 80% of the spending that we pay for "assumed powers" would go away.
Citizens who desire to learn how to hold their legislators accountable would be wise to contact The New England Coordinator of The John Birch Society Matthew Rhodes for information about planning a "The Constitution Is The Solution" seven-week seminar in your area at a convenient time. His contact info is 207-391-0970. For without knowledge, citizens surrender their only "policing power at the ballot box" to punish and hold officeholders accountable to the Constitution. Remember, the price of taxpayer ignorance now climbs to $32 trillion. Check out how much your legislators, state and federal, illegally spend. Go to and click in on Freedom Index.
- Russ Payne,