To the editor:
Mao's Agrarian reform growing into Klaus Swab's WEF, Great Reset and the UN Agenda 30 plans will control every aspect of our lives.
The Harold Ware Communist Party Cell planted in the Agriculture Department in 1933 sprouted the American "War on The Farmers." Soviet agent Alger Hiss started his career of espionage there, later becoming Roosevelt;s Adviser at YALTA and co-authoring the UN Charter. Hiss' policy of paying farmers not to grow crops to put farmers on welfare that has far reaching consequences to this day.
Today, the war on the food supply is on steroids with our farmers feeling the impact of Karl Marx's plan to destroy private property. Forced property surrendered, under the banner of eminent domain, is authorizing Carbon Capture pipelines to ruin countless acres of rich agriculture in the heartland. A few days ago, the John Birch Society (JBS) Leadership Conference in Des Moines, Iowa (see link below), revealed an international scam called "Carbon Capture." Navigator CO2's application to implement a Carbon Capture pipeline was denied by the South Dakota Public Utilities thanks to the JBS. Several weeks before, Summit Carbon Solutions application for the pipeline was also denied by the North Dakota Public Service Commission.
In contrast, a public hearing before the Iowa Utilities Board to investigate a similar process in Iowa was met with a kangaroo court atmosphere. Officials simply did not listen to opposition. The pipeline company even hired security personnel to intimidate and harass the opposition. Why would other states deny these application to infringe on private rights while Iowa's process ruled against the farmers? Because members of the Iowa Utilities Boards are appointed by the governor. Other states continue to prove the power of the people is superior to governors appointing bureaucrats who promote job security with no vested interest to protect personal property rights.
Usurpation of power by governors appointing commissions to destroy property rights must be stopped! This scheme is based on fraudulent science that claims the opposite of our Creator's balance in nature. Digging ditches all over Americas heartland to store carbon below the earth amounts to promoting doom and gloom environmentalism for profit.
While power and money cabals hype up their cause to save the earth, don't forget that all the foundation pillars that have made America great are at stake. Environmentalist utopia is control over every aspect of your life. Don't let them take your property! Biden's Green power Executive Order has usurped congressional power. Don't let them continue to cower in silence while the "Great Reset, Build Back Better, Karl Marx's dream" destroys our liberty. Demand your Senators and Representatives stand up and do their job.
See the complete JBS event that covers multi-aspects of this imminent tyranny creeping, now swiftly upon us at Warning: Google doesn't like the truth! Download DuckDuckGo to reach this link.
- Russ Payne,