BANGOR, Maine - The Maine State Democratic Convention took off last Friday afternoon (May 23)! We had a great reception for Municipal Chairs and Elected Officials at the Hollywood Casino. Great chance to loosen up with old friends and meet some new ones. (This is one of the best parts). And as Harrison has already reported the food at the Casino is great so of course any reception they cater has excellent finger food and plenty of it!
On to the Cross Insurance Center, this center is a great big Wow! Too bad it's so far away from us! Lots of space, beautiful event rooms. This incredible center was an idea in 2008 in the middle of the recession that has set Bangor as a Destination for great entertainment. Combine this Center with the Hollywood Casino, the Kennebec River and Waterfront Concerts and Bangor is a great place to visit.
No drama for us! Everyone got signed in, took their seats, and got ready for the day. Mark Eves ran the meeting with a smile and grace, efficiently, gavel to gavel!
On to opening of the convention, speeches, awards and housekeeping business. Then to the Penobscot Dems Welcome Reception, we were entertained by a group from the Penobscot Tribe! Great food and a time again to talk to friends new and old. Then to the Hospitality Suites! Yup, more food and drinks with candidates and legislators. Fortunately they weren't all vegetarians! Emerge Maine had the best! Fruit, cheese, and the best Cheese Fondue.
Early Saturday we were up and at it again, at 7 a.m. We attended a breakfast for Emerge, this is a woman's leadership program. The panel of women candidates and legislators discussed the issues women in politics have had to address. There is a real double standard for women! Several talked about dealing with views that should not be running if they had young children. Many addressed the reality of "appearance." Women in these roles have been subjected to lectures on how to dress, how to wear their hair!! Confidence was a major topic, we all agreed that just stepping up, getting out there, running and speaking gets it done. Do men have to deal with this?
All political conventions have their minutia, as we were members of the Platform Committee we sat there and listened to our platform get discussed and changed and voted on. Platforms are the goals of the people of the party, each County committee gets to voice their ideas and recommendations that get boiled down and entered into a document that addresses the State Democratic Parties ideals. Necessary, but tedious work. I am sure this is true for both parties.
Then on to more business, caucuses, elections. Then THE Speeches! Our only major Primary this season is for the 2nd District US House seat. The speeches from both Emily Cain and Troy Jackson were terrific. They are each very different and incredibly bright and qualified, the voters in the 2nd District have a tough choice. Glad I don't have to make it, as I consider both of these people to be my friend. On to the noise and the applause! The closing reception Democratic Victory Convention included a lot more food, drinks and entertainment! Shenna Bellow's Dad took pictures of delegates and conventiongoers!
But, Conventions are a great way to meet your Candidates! You not only get to listen to them, you actually get to talk to candidates and legislators. After a while you realize how great Maine is! You know people from all over this Great State. We really are just one big small town!
(Ellen Harris-Howard attended the recent state Democratic Convention in Bangor. She filed this report.)