ROCHESTER - David Griffin, 67, died on April 28, 2022, from a sudden illness. David was a caring and funny son, brother, and friend. He was the first-born to Roland and Phyllis Griffin on August 11, 1954.
He graduated Spaulding High School in 1974. David touched many lives beginning as a youngster delivering the Foster's Daily Democrat each day on his paper route. He worked many years as a bagger at Purity Supreme in Rochester. Then as a bagger for several years at Shaw's in Dover.
He was an avid sports fan with baseball and the Boston Red Sox as his all-time favorite subject. Some of his favorite foods were homemade beans and hotdogs with brown bread every Saturday night, homemade salmon loaf (the red salmon, not the pink), whoopie pies, and Neapolitan ice cream. He was family oriented and loved to visit relatives. David was loved by many and is now in the company of many that loved him. Bless you David and thank you for sharing your sweet soul.