Editor's note: Over the next several days before Election Day on Nov. 7 The Rochester Voice will publish the answers to a questionnaire we sent out to all mayoral candidates. Here is the second featuring challenger Matthew Scruton.
After a brief synopsis of the candidate's biographical info, the questions will follow.
Profession - Farmer
Family - Married, one child.
Political history - Current State Representative, President Strafford County Farm Bureau, Strafford County Conservation District Associate Supervisor, NH House Environment and Agriculture Committee, Strafford County Delegate, Past boards include: Farmington Board of Selectmen, Farmington Budget Committee, Farmington Trustee of Trust Funds, Farmington Economic Development Committee, Farmington Conservation Commission.
Why do you want to be mayor?
I have the education, experience, and ability to serve and want to make a difference.
What do you think Rochester's biggest challenge is?
The opioid crisis. We must continue efforts to stop drugs and dealers from entering Rochester. We need to educate about the dangers of drugs and provide support for those recovering from addiction.
What is one specific remedy that could help our foundering downtown?
Our downtown has much to offer with many great businesses. Rochester should encourage landlords downtown to seek property tax relief under RSA 79-E so landlords will invest in renovations, and in meeting building codes, so vacant spaces can be rented.
How would you describe your philosophy of government?
I am a Republican with conservative values and I think independently. I believe in keeping taxes low while helping others and meeting the needs within the community. I support our schools and our police department and fire department.
Where do you stand on Keno? And why?
Keno is bad for NH and bad for Rochester. As a state representative, I've drafted legislation to remove the NH Lottery Commissions authority to implement Keno (LSR 2018-2403). Keno is addictive and targets people who are drinking and not using their best judgment.
As mayor what will be your first specific priority be?
To meet with the city manager, city council and community groups to listen and discuss concerns and mutual goals while planning for the future. I believe the future is bright for Rochester!