ROCHESTER - The City of Rochester is hosting a Best of the Lilac City contest recognizing popular businesses, nonprofits, services, and cultural events in Rochester.
Categories include Best Restaurant, Best Retail Shop, Best Automotive Repair, etc. There are also categories for Best Hamburger, Best Ice Cream, Best Happy Hour, and so on.
The public is encouraged to participate. Voting ends March 26. Winners will be announced on the Choose Rochester podcast on March 31. Award Honorees receive city-wide bragging rights and a graphic to share on their websites and social media pages.
Entries can be submitted at The Rochester Post, the City of Rochester's online information platform, which also includes postings from private news organizations like The Rochester Voice and Foster's Daily Democrat.
There is no cost associated with this contest. Best of the Lilac City is not associated with or sponsored by any business or private organization.
Click here to submit you nominations.