ROCHESTER - Rochester Police are looking to reward kind deeds with a gift that's kind of cool, or hot, if that's how you like it.
They'll be handing out 500 Dunkin' Donuts gift cards as part of National Random Acts of Kindness Day, which began on Friday.
Rochester Police Chief Paul R. Toussaint said rewarding well-intentioned citizens and increasing the level of communication between police and the community are two of the benefits the program delivers.
"The ability to partner with local businesses to support and recognize this provides us even more opportunities to connect with our citizens."
Local Dunkin' Donuts franchisees, Progressive Foods Inc. and the Rochester Police are partners in the program.
"We all must do our part to make our world a better place and it starts in our own homes and communities. We are grateful for the Rochester PD and our amazing guests the citizens of Rochester. The Police will find Rochester citizens doing good and when they do, we ask that you show gratitude and thank them for their services to the Lilac City," said Regina Wentworth-Mondoux, Vice President of Progressive Foods Inc. and Dunkin' Donuts Franchisee.