COPYRIGHT2017© LEBANON - Lebanon residents Laura Bragg and Richard "Chip" Harlow stormed to easy wins on Tuesday to become the town's newest selectmen during Town Elections, but it wasn't without some drama.
First, vote counters took about two hours to determine the results as dog-tired candidates lined one wall of the Lebanon Elementary School gymnasium.
Then around 10 p.m. elections chief Roxanne Bumford announced that Bragg and her opponent, incumbent selectman Royce Heath, were virtually tied at around 230 votes apiece, with the results still preliminary.
After she had completed the tally on all the referenda, several, including Heath; Bragg's husband, Tony and candidate and Lebanon Voice editor Harrison Thorp sought clarification since more than 900 had voted throughout the day and in absentee ballots.
... but just moments later Bragg exults after learning she did, indeed, win her race against incumbent Royce Heath. |
After a moment of confusion, it was quickly verified the correct total was, in fact, 622-232, in favor of Bragg, making for an emotional roller-coaster for all concerned.
In the two-year race for selectman, Chip Harlow, who earlier this month said he chose the two-year slot rather than the three because he had a better chance of winning, proved prescient as he easily bested those in a four-way race with 335 votes, followed by Bettie Harris-Howard (215), David White (132), Harrison Thorp (81) and write-in candidate Mary Patch (65).
Meanwhile, in one of the other most anticipated voting blocks, a half dozen recreational marijuana prohibitions that were proposed all passed easily, thereby keeping any recreational cannabis cultivation, testing and retail sales off the table in town while the state formalizes its rules and regulations.
In other voting, all the town department budgets, including Fire and EMS, highway, transfer station and town offices, passed easily, however the Fire and EMS' quest for a new ambulance was soundly defeated, 505-408.
Richard 'Chip' Harlow |
Voters also approved money to fight the European Naiad, an invasive weed that threatens Milton Three Ponds; and money for bridges, which should help solidify the process toward replacement of the New Bridge Road Bridge by June 2020.
In other voting, Rebecca Beal won a three-year school board seat in an uncontested race, while Stephanie Greenlaw, Jeri Basko, Sean Bright and Deborah Dorey Wilson won three-year terms on the budget committee.
Voting started off slowly early Tuesday but by midafternoon the pace had picked up with voters passing a gauntlet of selectmen candidates en route to the polls.
During the day Selectman Paul Nadeau could be seen busy delivering food to poll workers. He will welcome his new colleagues today at 4 p.m. at Town Offices.
Full election results
Referendum 1, Shall an ordinance entitled "Town of Lebanon Maine Ordinance Establishing a Moratorium on Retail Marijuana Establishments and Retail Marijuana Social Clubs" be enacted?
Yes 527 No 397 Blank 20
Referendum 2, Shall an ordinance entitled "Ordinance Prohibiting Retail Marijuana Stores" be enacted?
Yes 529 No 395 Blank 22
Referendum 3, Shall an ordinance entitled "Ordinance Prohibiting Retail Marijuana Social Clubs" be enacted?
Yes 566 No 360 Blank 20
Referendum 4, Shall an ordinance entitiled "Ordinance Prohibiting Retail Marijuana Testing Facilities" be enacted?
Yes 515 No 409 Blank 22
Referendum 5, Shall an ordinance entitled "Ordinance Prohibiting Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturing Faciliies" be enacted?
Yes 514 No 411 Blank 21
Referendum 6, Shall an ordinance entitled "Ordinance Prohibiting Retail Marijuana Cultivation Facilities" be enacted?
Yes 510 No 415 Blank 21
Selectmen candidates pose outside the polls from left, Harrison Thorp, Bettie Harris-Howard, Royce Heath, Laura Bragg, David White and Richard 'Chip' Harlow. |
Referendum 7, Shall a revised ordinance entitled "Lot Size Ordinance 2017" be enacted?
Yes 471 No 381 Blank 94
Referendum 8, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,600.00 to be used for the eradication of European Naiad?
Yes 605 No 304 Blank 17
Referendum 9, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to be used as a subsidy for the annual Lebanon Festival?
Yes 668 No 261 Blank 17
Referendum 10, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1680.00 for the fire hydrants in South Lebanon per contract?
Yes 776 No 155 Blank 15
Referendum 11, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate te sum of $451,930.00 for the operation, upkeep and purchase of equipment and supplies for the Emergency Services Department? The Emergency Services Department includes the Lebanon Fire and EMS Department, The Lebanon Fire and EMS Stations, and the Lebanon Emergency Management Agency.
Yes 598 No 340 Blank 8
Referendum 12, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $75,000.00 to place in the Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of purchasing equipment for the Emergency Services Department? The Emergency Services Department includes the Lebanon Fire and EMS Department, The Lebanon Fire and EMS Stations, and the Lebanon Emergency Management Agency.
Yes 557 No 365 Blank 24
Referendum 13, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate a sum not to exceed $55,000.00 per year for a four (4) year lease / purchase for one (1) Lifeline Superliner Ambulance and emergency equipment accessories with a total price of $299,323.00? (a $100,000.00 down payment approved from Emergency Services Department Capital Reserve Fund).
Yes 408 No 505 Blank 33
Referendum 14, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $57,262.00 to cover the cost of Emergency Dispatching for the Emergency Services Department and radio tower rental?
Yes 702 No 222 Blank 22
Referendum 15, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $687,565.00 for operation of the Highway Department?
Yes 692 No 230 Blank 24
Referendum 16, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $386,106.00 for the operation of the Lebanon Transfer Station?
Yes 735 No 188 Blank 23
Referendum 17, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $150,000.00 to place in a Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of paving Town owned public roads? The spending of any funds from this account requires the approval of the Board of Selectmen. Capital Reserve Funds allow unused funds to roll from one fiscal year into the next and may only legally be used for the purpose for which they have been voted.
Yes 751 No. 175 Blank 20
Referendum 18, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $75,000.00 to place in a Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of Highway Equipment? The spending of any funds from this account requires the approval of the Board of Selectmen. Capital Reserve Funds allow unused funds to roll from one fiscal year into the next and may only legally be used for the purpose for which they have been voted.
Yes 506 No 406 Blank 34
Referendum 19, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to place in a Capital Reserve fund for necessary bridge repairs and replacements of Town owned bridges? The spending of any funds from this account requires the approval of the Board of Selectmen. Capital Reserve Funds allow unused funds to roll from one fiscal year into the next and may only legally be used for the purpose for which they have been voted.
Yes 768 No 151 Blank 27
Referendum 20, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $22,198.00 to fund the No Spray Contact with Central Maine Power?
Yes 664 No 252 Blank 30
Referendum 21, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to pay the Selectmen $12.00 per hour plus expenses?
Yes 639 No 292 Blank 28
Referendum 22, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to pay the Road Commissioner $32,000.00 salary plus expenses?
Yes 639 No 279 Blank 28
Referendum 23, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $418,957.00 for government expenses for the town office including elections, Assessing Agent, and he Selectmen's wages and expenses?
Yes 569 No 344 Blank 33
Referendum 24, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $21,730.00 for the operation of the Animal Control Officer and expenses?
Yes 664 No 320 Blank 24
Referendum 25, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $47,628.00 for the combined department budgets of Code Enforcement Officer / Health Officer / 911 Director including expenses?
Yes 608 No 311 Blank 27
Referendum 26, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to place in a Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of contributing toward large scale repairs of municipal buildings or grounds totaling $10,000.00 or more? The spending of any funds from this account requires the approval of the Board of Selectmen. Capital Reserve Funds allow unused funds to roll from one fiscal year into the next and may only legally be used for the purpose for which they have been voted.
Yes 586 No 329 Blank 33
Referendum 27, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $48,000.00 for legal fees?
Yes 606 No 305 Blank 37
Referendum 28, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 for the contingency fund?
Yes 552 No 360 Blank 36
Referendum 29, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $189,253.00 for all insurances for the town?
Yes 737 No 172 Blank 39
Referendum 30, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $18,100.00 for General Assistance for residents in need?
Yes 714 No 204 Blank 30
Referendum 31, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,000.00 for the updating of tax maps?
Yes 571 No 333 Blank 44
Referendum 32, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,764.00 to support the following relief agencies according to the breakdown below?
York County Community Action $ 4,005.00
Caring Unlimited $1,809.00
So Maine Agency on Aging $1,500.00
So. Maine Veteran's Cemetery $ 500.00
York County Shelter Programs, Inc $1,500.00
Counseling Services, Inc $2,450.00
Kids Free to Grow $ 250.00
American Red Cross $ 250.00
LifeFlight $ 500.00
TOTAL $12,764.00
YES 729 No 199 Blank 20
Referendum 33, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,184.00 for the operation of the Planning Board and for dues to the Southern Maine Regional Planning and Development Connission?
Yes 580 No 332 Blank 36
Referendum 34, Shall the Town of Lebanon raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the operation of the Conservation Commission?
Yes 657 No 262 Blank 29
Referendum 35, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the operation of the Appeals Board?
Yes 623 No 291 Blank 31
Referendum 36, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $750.00 for the operation of the Budget Committee?
Yes 651 No 301 Blank 28
Referendum 37, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $18,385.00 for the operation of the Martha Sawyer Community Library?
Yes 696 No 234 Blank 18
Referendum 38, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,318.00 for the Lebanon Recreation Department?
Yes 686 No 238 Blank 24
Referendum 39, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 for a one time donation to the Lebanon Historical Society to be used for the 250th Anniversary Celebration?
Yes 673 No 257 Blank 18
Referendum 40, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the Memorial Day Ceremony and the decorating of Veteran's graves as mandated by State Law 30-A-20017?
Yes 830 No 96 Blank 22
Referendum 41, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $49,000.00 for the restoration and maintenance of cemeteries throughout the town as mandated by Main State Law 13 MRSA-1101?
Yes 692 No 220 Blank 26
Referendum 42, Shall the Town of Lebanon allow the Tax Collector to accept prepayment of taxes prior to the tax commitment date and to charge interest on unpaid taxes at the rate of 7% per annum, and set the date when taxes are committed for the fiscal year 2017-18 (July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018) and payable as of October 31, 2017 and April 15, 2016? Interest will be collected after October 15, 2017 and April 15, 2018 respective to billings due date.
Yes 760 No 160 Blank 28
Referendum 43, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to set interest rate of 3% per State Law as the roate to be paid back to taxpayers who pay amounts in excess of amounts finally assessed and authorize any such interest paid for abatements granted to be charged against the annual overlay, which is not to exceed 6% of the total assessment per State Law (MRSA 36, Chapter 105,1,506-A) ?
Yes 774 No 139 Blank 35
Referendum 44, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to authorize funding at last year's (2016-17) level for the General Government, Emergency Services, Code Enforcement, Animal Control Officer, Transfer Station, and Highway Department who's new appropriation is not approved by this year's referendum vote until such time that any new funding is authorized before the next tax commitment?
Yes 504 No 406 Blank 38
Referendum 45, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to appropriate all of the monies received from the State for snowmobile registrations to the Lebanon Trail Rides Club for the maintenance of their system or network of snowmobile trails on the condition that those trails are open in snow season to the public for outdoor recreation purposes at no charge, and to authorize the municipal officers to enter into agreement with the Club under such terms and conditions as he municipal officers may deem advisable for that purpose?
Yes 752 No 170 Blank 26
Referendum 46, Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to place any unexpended funds from the prior year into the unassigned, restricted fund balance?
Yes 736 No 188 Blank 24