To the editor:
Beware of the coming Bird Flu Pandemic flying over our nation's presidential election this fall.The Plandemic Guru's of the UN/WHO/WEF and their complicit domestic partners, the NIH/DHHS/NIAID & the CDC all have special plans to protect you from the Bird Flu.
Would you believe they are already talking about another miraculous 100 day vaccine as another solution to kill the synthetic bird disease? Unfortunately, the source of financial funding will be bankrolled by the U.S. taxpayer paid to the same Marxist laboratory that created both the bird flu and now promise another miraculous experimental vaccine just for you. Isn't this "Insanity?" Are we to expect different results than the last experimental vaccine gave us?
Senator Ron Johnson, Chairman of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, claims their investigation has revealed recently U.S. deaths from the vaccination was 37,000 and 1.6 million adverse events. American's ought ask what has happened since 1976 when the Swine Flu vaccine was stopped after 25 deaths? What ought to make headlines in the New York Times is the fact that the U.S. government is already busy distributing your tax dollars to Moderna and other Big Pharma interests.
Even an "International Bird Flu Summit" scheduled for October 2-4 in D.C. has all kinds of plans on how to use your money to control you. Apparently their stated objective is to prepare for possibilities of mass fatality management planning , delivering the vaccine and surveillance.
This globalist cabal got away with the COVID-19 tyranny because too many Americans place their efforts on elections, but do not monitor the tenure of the elect while in office. As a matter of fact a gross amount of citizen ignorance about the Bill of Rights survey revealed in 2023 that only 3% of Americans could name all five of their First Amendment Rights. Does this not reveal why the globalist are confident they again can suspend these inherent God-given rights without too much backlash? Freedom is not a DNA running through the blood from one generation to the next. It must have friends who will stand up for it, not just enjoy its benefits.
Since scaring the public was so effective in enabling the COVID tyrants to simply issue edicts of control in 2020, following Hitler's prototype when he rose to power in 1933 with Weimar Republic unconstitutional edicts; be prepared soon for a massive propaganda avalanche striking fear in everyone. Blind trust in the globalist pandemic plans again will be a hazard to your health and your liberty. Going along with the popular flow of big government led by billionaire population-control zealot Bill Gates and the model government for the Great Reset -- Communist China - plus Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, the creator of the Great Reset: is a flow that will turn into a title wave to destroy liberty unless Americans start defying federal government and global tyranny at the state level with State Nullification.
Check out Alex Newmans article at
- Russ Payne,