Let us do some plain and simple third-grade math which the Democrat Party and Joe Biden ignore.
The City of McAllen, Texas, issued the statement, "Since mid-February of 2021 there have been over 7,000 confirmed COVID-19 positive immigrants released into the city of McAllen by (Customs and Border Patrol), including over 1,500 new cases in the past seven months."
This statement was published by FOX News about one week ago. So let us assume that all of July and one week of August is reported in this statement.
McAllen is only one of many of the cities on our southern border. We have no statements or facts identifying the number of COVID 19 positive cases that may have been released at those other locations.
It is known that in March of 2021 the Delta variant was identified in this country by the CDC and that by the beginning of July 2021, the Delta variant was the major COVID-19 virus infecting Americans.
Let's do some simple "estimating." Multiply the 1,500 reported cases for last week by 5 (4 weeks in July and one week in August) and arrive at 7,500. That number is greater than the actual number of documented COVID-19 cases. One must ask whether the number of COVID cases were accurately detected or was there a surge in cases over the last week.
No mention in the McAllen statement is made to which variant of the virus those released COVID positive illegal immigrants were infected with. Since the start of July, the Delta variant was the primary variant detected in this country. The CDC stated that the infection rate of the Delta variant is estimated to be at least 5 people per infected individual. With those CDC statistics in mind, here are some third-grade mathematical estimates:
Assume that each of those 7,000 individuals came into contact with ONLY 5 individuals. The result is: 7,000 infected individuals x 5 = 35,000 additional Delta variant infections.
Assume that those 35,000 exposed individuals came into contact with ONLY another 5 individuals. The result is 35,000 infected individuals x 5 = 175,000 additional Delta variant infections.
Assume that those 175,000 exposed individuals came into contact with ONLY an additional 5 individuals. The result is 175,000 infected individuals x 5 =875,000 additional Delta variant infections.
Common sense concludes that 7,000 individuals could easily be the "root cause" of 875,000 new COVID Delta cases if each person came into contact with merely 5 individuals.
I have not seen statistics from other border towns and do not know how many illegal immigrants avoid the Customs Border Patrol as "got aways" entering this country undetected. I also do not know if the entire 7,000 COVID-19 positive individuals were infected with the Delta or Alpha or Beta or Gamma variants. However, the CDC website states the Delta variant was first detected in the United States in March 2021. While in possession of that knowledge, the CDC and Joe Biden ignored its potential impact on public health. The Alpha, Beta and Gamma variants were highly contagious and the arrival of the more contagious Delta variant in March was totally ignored on the southern border.
While breaking the immigration law that is on the books, Joe Biden is also endangering the entire country creating undue hardship on law abiding American citizens and furthering division among the American people. As Governor DeSantis stated about Joe Biden, "Why don't you do your job? Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don't want to hear a blip about COVID from you."
Cheryl Russell is a former high school teacher and 30-year employee with the U.S. Department of the Treasury. She lives in Dover.