At Citizen's Place, a small traffic island near City Hall in Somersworth, an atheist flag will soon fly above a granite monument memorializing the Ten Commandments, which are cornerstones of Christian belief.
So what are the 10 Commandments?
Basically, they tell you how to be a good person.
Worship no other gods
Worship no other graven images
No taking the Lord's name in vain
Remember the Sabbath
Honor they parents
Don't kill
Don't commit adultery
Don't steal
Don't lie
Don't covet the neighbor's house, wife or belongings. Pretty basic stuff whether you're religious or not.
Now I believe everyone's religious beliefs are sacred. No one should have a religion foisted on them, or feel pressured to be part of one particular religion or another.
That's why I've never tried to convert anyone to my religion.
I might say I go to a cool church, but I don't preach faith. I respect everyone's right to choose their own.
So, in that respect, I would never go to a witches' convention and insist on flying a Christian flag over their spiritual icons.
So why does an atheistic group feel the need to pressure Somersworth to fly its flag over a tablet inscribed with the 10 Commandments?
It used to be that churches in small towns were built so that they were the tallest buildings in the village.
That was for a reason, to show that above all else, it was a town steeped in religious values.
Now, the atheist flag is destined to fly above the 10 Commandments. Maybe before Somersworth raises the red "A" next month they should run this question up the flagpole.
Why not keep it a level playing field? Fly it beside the monument, not above it.