If you strip away all the hyperbole, hatred and fear mongering foisted by the liberal media the last few months, picking our next president gets pretty easy.
Donald Trump.
He's the one with a new vision for American. It's a vision that has captured the imagination of millions.
It's a vision that embraces private enterprise, fair trade deals that don't throw American jobs under the bus and a stronger military that protects the freedoms that make this country the gold standard of the world.
These are the same freedoms that are threatened by Hillary Clinton, who would continue us on a path toward more crushing national debt, dangerously liberal immigration policies, sanctuary cities that further burden taxpayers and are proved to be havens for illegal aliens, often with criminal histories.
Obamacare, the current president's signature legislation, his legacy, is going up in flames. Premiums are skyrocketing, medical providers are fleeing the system and coverages are becoming more and more anemic. And, yes, people are losing their plans and their doctors, something the current president guaranteed would never happen.
If Clinton gets in we'll be on a single payer system like Canada by the end of her first term, and you'll be waiting months instead of weeks for that appointment with some doctor you've never seen before.
And trade deals with Clinton? They'll favor whatever country makes the biggest contribution to Bill Clinton Inc., better known as the Clinton Foundation.
News stories have floated that the Clintons will divest themselves of the foundation if Hillary Clinton is elected. Why didn't they do that when she was Secretary of State when 55 percent of those granted an audience with her made huge financial donations to peddle their influence.
Many of the those donations were from Mideastern countries whose governments and laws criminalize gay and lesbian relationships.
Here's a list, according to the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA). The donation amounts are in parentheses.
Algeria: ($250,000-$500,000) Algerian law states: "Anyone guilty of a homosexual act is punishable with imprisonment."
Brunei: ($1 million-$5 million) Brunei's penal code states: "Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman, or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 years."
Jamaica: ($50,000-$100,000) Gay men caught having sex face up to 10 years in prison.
Kuwait: ($5 million-$10 million) Kuwaiti law states: "Consensual intercourse between men of full age (from the age of 21) shall be punishable with a term of imprisonment of up to seven years."
Oman: ($1 million-$5 million) Law states: "Anyone who commits erotic acts with a person of the same sex shall be sentenced to imprisonment from six months to three years."
Qatar: ($1 million-$5 million) Sentences for acts of homosexuality range from one to seven years in prison.
Saudi Arabia: ($10 million-$25 million) Islamic law in Saudi Arabia enforces penalties for homosexual sex, ranging from public flogging to death. For a non-Muslim who commits sodomy with a Muslim, the penalty is death by stoning.
United Arab Emirates: ($1 million-$5 million) Emirati law states: "All sexual acts outside of heterosexual marriage are banned in the United Arab Emirates."
How is that standing up for the LGBTQ community?
Meanwhile, the signature image Clinton's crony media chums show in an effort to denigrate and discredit Trump is a picture of him getting off a bus after talking trash about women with Billy Bush during an unauthorized hot mic segment on Access Hollywood a decade ago.
We would suggest that the next time you see that bus just remember that's the bus Hillary Clinton will throw this country under if she's elected president.
The Lebanon Voice endorses Donald Trump and Mike Pence.
- HT