DOVER, N.H. - An arrest warrant has been issued for a Milton woman indicted in a retail fraud case after she failed to show up today for her initial arraignment in Strafford County Superior Court.
Judge Steven M. Houran issued the order after Nicole Perry, 20, of 139 Felker Drive, did not arrive for her 9 a.m. court hearing.
Perry faces a maximum of 21 years in prison if convicted on all three counts.
Court documents show that on March 14, March 23 and March 26 a co-conspirator of Perry's concealed and exited Walmart with various stolen items.
Perry allegedly later returned to the store to exchange the items for gift card credit.
Charges against the other individual were bound over to Strafford County Superior Court for possible indictment but they were dismissed in September.
An indictment is not an indication of guilt, only that enough evidence has been gathered to warrant a trial.