ROCHESTER - Dick Sweeney of Somersworth has never been to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, so the half-size replica on display at the Rochester American Legion evokes a powerful emotion in him whenever he sees it.
It’s with this awe and reverence that for the past few days he’s been greeting visitors to the Legion’s Indoor Cost of Freedom Tribute at its Post 7 facility on Eastern Avenue.
Sweeney, a Vietnam-era veteran who was drafted in 1965, said he enjoys introducing people to the exhibits on hand, including one of the newest, the Gold Dog Tag exhibit depicting all the servicemen and women killed in the War on Terror since 9/11.
He said most often he assists folks looking for a name on the Vietnam Memorial. If they don’t know what plaque it’s on, it can be looked up on a nearby computer.
You’ll always find Sweeney, who is wheelchair-bound, accompanied by his gorgeous service dog, Ocean 5.
The Rochester American Legion Indoor Cost of Freedom Tour continues 24-a-day through Sunday at 3 p.m.
Besides The Wall and Gold Dog Tag exhibits, it contains displays on all the United States Wars and Conflicts, storyboards about the War on Terror, the sacrifices of Police and Firefighters and copies of our countries Founding Documents.
The snack bar is open much of the day for the convenience of visitors. Admission is free.