ROCHESTER - As the fall coronavirus surge continues today in the Greater Rochester area there are a couple of metrics that give rays of hope amid the gloom: first, the percentage of deaths among those who contract the virus has dropped to 2 percent, the lowest its been since May when data showed that the disease proved fatal in 5 percent of cases; second, current active cases in Rochester went from 98 on Tuesday to 69 on Wednesday.
More good news came from Rochester Fire and Emergency Operations Center Chief Mark Klose, who said today he is not aware of any problems with city restaurants and convenience stores with regard to social distancing and mask wearing mandates like those singled out across the state the past couple of weeks amid levying of stiff fines by the state AG's office.
Klose did say a few restaurants have closed due to staff testing positive, but they have done the right thing, closing up for several days for through premises disinfection before reopening.
He said he hadn't heard any such complaints for at least a couple of months.
The one worrisome note he sounded was his concern over a possible Thanksgiving holiday spike, which he said wouldn't likely surface with new cases for another week or so.
Meanwhile, DHHS announced 566 new positive test results for COVID-19, for a daily PCR test positivity rate of 6.1 percent.
The newly identified cases comprise 66 minors and 33 from Strafford County.
DHHS has also announced nine additional deaths related to COVID-19, all elderly Granite Staters over the age of 60, none from Strafford County.
There are currently 162 individuals hospitalized with COVID-19, up two from Tuesday.
NH COVID-19 Summary Report
NH Persons with COVID-19 22,332
Recovered 17,101 (77%)
Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 537 (2%)
Total Current COVID-19 Cases 4,694
Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 842 (4%)
Current Hospitalizations 162
Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 8,325