LEBANON – While Lebanon voters last week rejected the $40,000 subsidy for the Rescue Department enterprise account, the $41,000 ambulance payment still has to be paid, so money from the general fund will be used and the expense added on the enterprise account spreadsheet, said Lebanon Selectmen Chairman Ben Thompson on Thursday.
The payment is due in November.
Thompson said the revenue side of the Rescue Department operation continues to improve, but that it is heavily dependent on how receivables come in, Medicaid reimbursements and other factors.
In other selectmen news:
*** Thompson said he intends to try to have the board continue in its pursuit of implementing a town government Code of Ethics, which could possibly include Conflict of Interest regulations.
He said the board can try to implement new ethics policies, but that any real substantive reform has to come from the voters in the form of a referendum question that could approve sweeping changes in conflict and ethics policy.
*** Selectmen are still trying to find a suitable recipient for the town’s Boston Post Cane, given to the oldest living resident. If anyone knows of a potential recipient, please contact town offices at 457-6082.
*** Local contractor R.D. Torno won the bituminous paving bid award. The bids were opened on Tuesday afternoon and awarded on Thursday. In all, three contractors sent in bids.