CONCORD - State DHHS announced 31 new positive test results for COVID-19 on Sunday, including two from Strafford County and six minors, almost 20 percent of identified new cases.
No new cases were identified as requiring hospitalization, which left the current total at 22, up from a statewide pandemic low of 20 last week.
Meanwhile, while city EOC officials said Rochester had no cases as of last week, DHHS charts show Rochester with eight, Dover with seven, Somersworth with five and Barrington, Farmington and Milton with 1-4. There have been reports of an ongoing disparity between city and state officials for more than a month. No explanation has been forthcoming yet from state DHHS.
More COVID Numbers in NH
Persons with COVID-19 6,054
Recovered 5,027 (83%)
Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 391 (6%)
Total Current COVID-19 Cases 636
Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 589 (10%)
Current Hospitalizations 22
Persons Being Monitored in NH 3,550