CONCORD, N.H. - Attorney General Joseph A. Foster warns New Hampshire residents that with federal income tax season upon us, IRS related scams are on the increase.
Frequently, residents will receive unsolicited calls from individuals fraudulently claiming to be from the IRS demanding payment for taxes allegedly past due. The callers typically ask for some sort of immediate
payment and request debit or credit card numbers. Some callers even threaten arrest, wage garnishment or other forms of legal process to coerce the resident into making the payment.
The IRS cautions taxpayers that their first contact will not be a phone call but will almost always be in the form of a letter from the IRS sent through the mail. The IRS also does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email to request personal or financial information and it never
asks for credit card, debit card or prepaid card information over the phone.
"Like many Granite Staters, I have received these calls at my home, on my personal cell phone and even on my work phone." Attorney General Foster said. "No one is immune from these scams. The callers can sound intimidating and very threatening. But my best advice is to hang up immediately."
The Attorney General advises that people should never provide personal information over the phone, in an email, or through the Internet unless that person has verified the source of the inquiry.
A second prevalent IRS related scam being reported is tax-related identity theft. This can occur when the perpetrator uses a stolen Social Security number to file a tax return claiming a fraudulent refund. Often, the victim is unaware that the theft has happened until the person files
his or her return and only then discovers that a fraudulent return had already been filed and the refund sent to the thief.