CONCORD - After a minispike last week, local current virus case numbers are going down just as swiftly, with Rochester going from 16 to 12 and Dover going from12 to 10 from Monday to Tuesday. Other local numbers show Barrington at six and Somersworth, Strafford, Farmington and Milton all at 1-4.
As of today there are no known COVID cases at any Greater Rochester schools.
Meanwhile, across the state, DHHS announced 28 new positive test results for COVID-19, including two under 18 and five from Strafford.
One new hospitalized case was identified for a current total of 13.
Current Situation in New Hampshire
NH Persons with COVID-19 8,233
Recovered 7,463 (91%)
Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 439 (5%)
Total Current COVID-19 Cases 331
Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 738 (9%)
Current Hospitalizations 13
Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 2,725