Sweet Adeline, a Beagle mix, affectionately known as "Addie," arrived at CVHS in early December all the way from Mississippi. On Christmas Eve, and throughout the course of three days, Adeline suffered a cluster of severe seizures. She has been placed on a daily anticonvulsant medication and has not suffered from another seizure. It is possible that Addie could be weaned off this medication in the future; however, she may need to be on lifelong treatment if she is proven to be truly epileptic.
This fun loving girl is now in recovery and learning how to be a dog again. Addie comes alive when on walks in the woods and also enjoys sniffing things and hanging out on the couch. She is currently with a wonderful foster family, but is in search of a forever home with a family that will help her overcome her challenges. To learn more about Addie please contact CVHS at sheltermanager@cvhsonline.org.