To the editor:
The Rochester Planning Board recently "Waved the Solid Green Flag" to the Tesla Auto Company, to move their Charging Station's Plan forward, to the Rochester City Council.
Yup! A representative of that company gave a detailed(?) briefing, about bringing Eight (8) High Powered Tesla Charging Stations to Hannafords Grocery Store, on Main St. in Rochester. This will include a Transformer and four (4) Superchargers.
The board was "thoroughly(?)" briefed about:
Where the optimal route should be, to deliver electricity to these stations.
There are NO available power lines on the Hannaford side of the road.
Power Transmission Lines would need to be brought in from across the street, (by McD's?) through overhead lines, down to the ground then buried underground to the equipment.
*Look at this, a Variance is needed right out of the (junction) box.
(Wasn't there a water discharge issue around McD's not long ago?)
The Planning Board was briefed about other "solid" amenities, to enhance safety and overall visual beauteousness to the project.
This includes, 18 Bollard Barriers, to restrict vehicles from backing into the "High Powered Charging Stations." The Bollard's will consist of, Four foot tall, Metal encased in concrete.
(Little did I know Tesla's are charged from the rear.)
*Are these "bollard's" certified for use at Spaulding Turnpike Tollbooths?
The site will include eight (8) Shrubs to "mask" the Charging Stations.
(By golly, it looks to me like there's going to be an Esplanade at Hannafords.)
I can already see our Public Service Department taking on another watering duty.
What the presenter didn't mention was that the Charging Stations are Proprietary to the Tesla Auto Company. (HUH?) YUP.... The stations only charge Tesla's.
This means your Toyota Prius, Chevy Volt etc. etc. etc. = Can't be charged there.
(NO, you won't be able to charge your I-Phone either, but I'm sure we'll see (or hear) of some experimentation on that matter.)
The Plan, was reviewed by the City Planner and the Planning Review Committee, (PRC)
Three (3) questions were posed to this presenter. He claimed, they were mostly covered in the original request. OK.... So be it...
Why didn't the PRC's Review Board question the use of "High Power Charging Stations" along with four (4) Super Chargers as part of safety concerns.
*Where ARE the minutes of these meetings on this matter?
Anyone ELSE think Meeting Minutes are also Proprietary also?
Exactly how much electrical power, are we talking about here = VOLTS?
Does this raise any Public Safety concerns?
How many are Protesting the Northern Pass Project. Where's the power coming from?
They have to be Rapid Chargers... Why?
How quickly will they be able to charge a vehicle?
I also read Electric rates are going up some 13%... Ouch "Shocking!"
*I must ask, is it reasonable to have such an elaborate system at a grocery store?
Why weren't they proposed at The Ridge on RT. 11 ?
The Rochester City Council has already Earmarked Millions of "OUR" Dollars to THAT Cash Cow! Just this week they approved Millions of "OUR" Dollars for more Route 11 projects.
Route 11, has more stores, restaurants and other amenities.
They'd have more time to get a "good charge."
This includes the most convoluted Round-About Traffic pattern I've ever seen.
This plan was a done deal ... Incompetence ruled at every level of City gov.
Please ponder this:
Public Radio reported Charging Stations were installed at the Hookset NH, Toll Booths... BUT ... they are "seldom" used.
Why is this?
Well, there are over 500,000 vehicles registered in NH.
There are about 1,400 electric vehicles, of ALL makes, registered in NH.
It is "ONLY my suspicion," but, I'd say, they were placed in Hookset NH, because these "Luxury" vehicles, that were purchased out of state, can't make it to their primary (0.03%'er) customer base in the Balsams, without being re-charged.
It's claimed the Tesla's price varies from $30,000 to $100,000 +
The $30,000 model WAS, a very basic model...
This Classic has "NOW" been discontinued.
So, the base price, I suspect, is now much higher.
This should disappoint a significant number of local entry level customers.
Not so much the Peoples Car any more, EH! Yet a Complimentary Owners Manual "Mein OTTO" is located in the vehicles glove compartment.
Instructions for opening the glove compartment are located under the sun visor.
Really? A sun-visor for people who refuse to see the light?
As a taxpayer, I don't want the city to spend MY money to support this Scheme.
Should Tesla opt to provide the city of Rochester with "Complimentary" vehicles, I want NO part of financially supporting this either... Unless, maybe they park at Hannafords - then WALK to and from their offices, wearing mandatory Fit-Bit's.
Again, not paid for by me.
As a Taxpayer:
I'm enraged by the MILLIONS of dollars that are approved by the Rochester City Council on a REGULAR and ONGOING basis.
ALL going to MEGA-Mall and Fly By Night (sorry) Mega Corporations.
Rochester's "Potentaters" want to MILK the LOWLY Taxpayer into supporting the 0.003% of the wealthiest. (Do they believe they have new friends.)
I suspect, Route 11 investors (now that's a joke) who take our money for THEIR profit, don't want the inevitable responsibility of maintaining these stations, in any form.
This includes, ultimately, disposing these extremely "Hazardous TOXIC elements."
I ask = Who will be responsible for these Toxic Clean-Up? (you got a MIRROR?)
I wasn't surprised to hear Mr. Musk was quoted saying, he "wants to Move to MARS," permanently, and very soon. (very sweet)
I would suggest he purchase a longer electrical cord, perhaps for a "Space Heater."
Today His (once personal) Tesla Roadster and Crash Dummy (replacement) Driver, are in an "orbit" around the Sun, Earth and Mars.
You can even watch this (Dummy's) journey live on U-TUBE.... for the next 10 Million Years....I suspect some will now be prompted to binge on this.
(By the way, the left blinker is on... and I find, it's becoming annoying)
The site's information hasn't been updated in quite a while.
Is interest in this "AD-Venture" marketing scheme waning too?
(Hay - BOTH hands on the wheel.... Remember your going seven(7) miles a second!)
ALL this, in time, will become obsolete.
So... Mr. Musk also claims the Tesla Roadster will pass through the Asteroid Belt.
(you expected 2 "S's didn't you? ... Sorry .... I "shouldn't" be that crude.)
While this (Rochester?) Roadster, travels through the Asteroid belt, it just might pick up a few elusive "Klingon's," as it ventures out to the far reaches of our Solar System to (ahem!) "Uranus and BEYOND!"
(Oh-oH! Now the "Check Engine" light is "ON" ...oops - a gov recall! )
In conclusion
Live long and Prosper ---- on YOUR Dime... NOT mine!
- Lou Archambault
Rochester NH
224 Chesley Hill Rd
(603) 781-7974