To the editor:
The Climate zealots of Agenda 2030 have presented to the world devious plans dressed up with nice words in 17 basic goals. If only we surrender our liberties to total global government control, these goals will save the earth from climate change. Behind this masquerade presented as inevitable truth is the fraudulent science taught to our youth in public schools since the 1970's. This generational campaign of fear has become a confrontational ideology of hate to divide and conquer. The technique is extracted from the same Marxist laboratory that Karl Marx created in his 1848 Communist Manifesto.
Do you really believe that Agenda 2030, sponsored in Congress by a former bartender, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the Green New Deal, is a sincere and good plan to save the earth? Perhaps we can forgive a once bartender for not knowing the difference between mixing drinks and mixing private property with socialism. Yet, are we to believe the majority in Congress and the Executive branch are so ignorant that they do not know that mixing these two opposites is an explosion that will destroy liberty? Ignorance or betrayal, the result is the same. The ramifications of which must be avenged at the ballot box by American voters.
The prime targets of Agenda 2030 in all 17 categories can be summed up as mandating controls in place of free enterprise, individual choice and private property ownership. Let's dissect goal number 1: End poverty in all forms everywhere. It's a noble purpose, but it is about as accurate as calling the UN a peace organization. Guess where the funds will come from? Just as the United States funds approximately 20% of the UN budget, get ready to share more of your productive wealth with the world, by force, to end all poverty. Marxists, as you know, like to divide the wealth. Ostensibly ending all poverty is a scheme that fits like a glove as if Marx was the tailor who designed it to "abolish private property."
The proposal follows for "equal rights to economic resources." Essentially, they claim absolute power over anything that belongs to you so they can give your wealth to someone they deem is deserving. If theft committed by an individual is a punishable crime, then theft by a global entity or any government agency is also a crime. The only recourse you have is get involved and study the Constitution which forbids all this global abuse of power. Contact Matthew Rhodes New England Coordinator of The John Birch Society JBS to learn about attending a six part seminar called : The Constitution Is The Solution at 207-391-0970. That freedom shall not perish, educate yourself in the proven track record of the JBS, the voice of liberty since 1958.
- Russ Payne,