Editor’s note: Lebanon Voice editor and publisher Harrison Thorp is running for the Maine House Representative Seat 20. He wrote this article.
ACTON - The first reported political sign theft of the primary campaign occurred at a residence on Milton Mills Road in Acton earlier this week.
The sign, urging a vote for House 20 candidate Harrison Thorp, was put up with the homeowner’s permission on Tuesday and found missing a few days later, they said.
The homeowner, who had earlier this month made a donation to the Thorp campaign, wished to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions.
“This is infuriating,” said Thorp today. “The deviant individual who stole this sign not only made a mockery of our political process, but also insulted the family who made a donation that allowed me to buy the sign.”
Acton is patrolled by a contract deputy from the York County Sheriff’s Office. They and State Police have been notified of the theft.
Chip Harlow, who is running for Lebanon selectman, reported today on The Lebanon Voice Facebook page that several of his signs have also gone missing.
In Maine, unauthorized removal or destruction of political signs is a civil violation under Maine law (Title 23, Section 1917-A), and may carry a fine of up to $250.